Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mess Up

Don't you just hate it when you have worked so hard on a painting and you're almost finished and something goes wrong that ruins the whole piece? That's what happened here. I'm working on this new series called "Scratch," and was almost finished with this particular piece when my long-sleeved shirt snagged some paint and spread it across the paper! Ugh. But, that is how the art process is. There are plenty of mess ups along the way, and if you learn from the mess ups you will end up getting to know your artwork more than you ever could have before and end up creating better pieces as a result. Take it from the ever-so famous and dedicated artist, Andy Goldsworthy. "Each time a work collapses, I get to know the stone a little bit better."


  1. Awesome stuff! I'm glad I live with you! And am married to you!

  2. haha. Thanks Trav! I'm glad that I'm married to you too :)
