Friday, September 30, 2011

Wired In Love



Sometimes it is so discouraging to be an artist. Here you are putting your whole heart and soul into your artwork and then it either goes unnoticed, is rejected, no one relates to it the way you do, etc. Also, it can be extremely overwhelming to be an artist with so many great and talented artists all over the world competing and hoping for the same desires you have. How do you overcome the discouragement? How do you become one of the few that end up fulfilling their dream of becoming a successful artist? How do you simply continue when so much opposition is in front of you? Today I am feeling all of the discouragment and overwhelming feelings of being an artist that it's hard to keep going. But the thing that keeps me going is my true passion and love for art. I would literally die if I stopped creating. Even though I may feel discouraged and unsure at times, there is nothing that will ever make me quit being an artist. A simple quote that inspires me a lot is from Dale Carnegie, that says "Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." I agree. Failure and discouragement causes one to look inward. To take a step back and to learn more of yourself. To learn more about why you do what you do. And for me, it helps me to understand myself better as an artist. To understand my artwork a little bit better. To look deeper and discover so much more than I ever could have before. Another thing that keeps me going is Travis. Trav believes in me more than I do myself. He is very much alive in my art. He inspires most of what I do. Yes, I take inspiration from everything, everywhere and all experiences, but nothing inspires me more than Travis. I am wired to him. I am in love with him. Which is what inspired this piece of artwork today. It's called "Wired in Love." I used wire, found objects and watercolor as my medium. I used wire as a medium for the concept of the piece. Wire is an ordinary object that is used to hold and intertwine things together. It's a simple thing, yet does so much. Kind of like love. We as human beings are very much dependent on love. Love gives us the ability to be 'intertwined' and connected to another person. It gives us meaning and value in life. The two people in the piece of artwork are both looking at the heart. They look to love as their source of intertwinement. The thing that keeps them connected. The thing that keeps them wired together. (Fun little note about the piece: the bowtie used on the man is one of the bowties from mine and Trav's wedding. And the chiffon used for the bow on the girl is from the material my sister-in-law used to make for my wedding dress.) Every piece of artwork I do holds a significant amount of who I am. What I am. and Why I am. My art is a living piece of my soul. 


  1. hey, i'm darci's friend jess. i LOVE this piece, and i think you are so talented! don't get too discouraged, because then the rest of the world won't be able to enjoy your creations. i'm glad i found your blog!
